About Us
Fiesta offers you a proven alternative to the challenges of going at it alone. We offer you a successful system for growth that will help you achieve your professional and personal goals.
We'll provide the right foundation to accelerate your success, giving you a competitive edge. As a Fiesta Franchisee you will have access to our proven tools, products, services, training and support.
Additional opportunities in the areas of Accounting and Bookkeeping, Notary, Travel, Money Transfer and Motor Vehicle Registration are available in some states. Become part of the growing Fiesta family.
The Auto Insurance Market
- The auto insurance industry sells over 185 million policies nationwide.
- More than 78% of all auto insurance policies are sold by agents.
- Fiesta provides you the ability to write all types of personal lines insurance including, Auto, Homeowners, Renters, Motorcycle, Health, Life and many specialty products.
- Access is also available for commercial products such as Workers Compensation, Commercial Vehicle, Professional Liability and Business Owners Insurance.
The Income Tax Preparation Market
- In 2011, more than 140 million income tax returns were processed.
- More than 65% of all tax returns are prepared professionally.
- Fiesta provides you the ability to prepare and file federal and state personal and business tax returns, provide bank products and file electronically.
Why own a Fiesta Franchise?
- Have the potential of earning a 6 figure income.
- Owning your own business.
- Making your own decisions.
- Determining your own destiny and enjoying the many other rewards of business ownership.
- Opportunity to serve the nation's largest under-served emerging market.
- Fiesta is the ONLY National Auto Insurance and Tax Service Franchise.
What Fiesta will offer you?
A Proven Franchise System.
Training at both corporate and ongoing online training through Fiesta University and weekly webinars.
- Support from the Corporate Office and a sophisticated Agency Information Management System (Policy Manager) that reaches right into your office on the insurance side and easy to understand and user friendly tax software (MaxTax) for the tax side.
- Site analysis and selection assistance.
- Marketing collateral and plans to make your business successful.
- Single unit and Area Developer Program.
Ideal Candidate
- An entrepreneur, business minded and customer service oriented individual.
- Someone who is looking to build their own financial enterprise.
- No tax or insurance experience needed. We will train you.
- Have at least $30,000 liquid capital available.
- Must be able to "Follow the System".